Monday, February 2, 2009

Recently i've thought more and more about collecting my my life experiences as a person, but i realized i'm more than that...i'm a mother! i have two kids aged 2 and 5...who dont even let me blog!!! i have been interrupted umpteenth times during the writing of this piece...i guess all the mothers out there will relate to my feelings. at this point in life, after almost 5 yrs of non-stop "mothering" i feel slightly over whelmed by anything not related to it. the idea of actually going out in the world and working as a professional is extremely daunting at the moment. on the other hand a dont feel like a good enough mother most of the days.. oh what a deliema to be in. "dont scream".."dont hit"..."please leave her alone"..."get ready for punishment"..this is the daily mantra *@UGH